GOOD Bye 2024! Welcome to 2025: A Year of Self-Care Possibilities and Wellness
Hello Self Care & Wellness Thinkers!
As we close the chapter on 2024, it's time to bid farewell to old bad habits and say hello to transformational self-care and self-love protocols. This year, let's commit to nurturing our health, uplifting our spirits, and welcoming abundant possibilities. Together with Coach Jennifer, we're excited to guide you on a journey of self-discovery and wellness. We want to officially Welcome You to 2025, a year brimming with potential for life and wellness! Don't forget to go to our website and sign up for the Self Care & Wellness Blog! Don't forget to schedule a holistic health & wellness coaching session or spiritual consultation. Do not forget to get your annual checkups so you know your numbers, and what your health status is.
You Made it another Year!
End of Year Clearing Activities:
You also want to make sure to do your end-of-year burning, releasing, forgiving, cleansing, and clearing activities.
Head Clearing: Do a spiritual head wash using coconut water and rinse with olive oil.
Body Clearing: You can do a soothing relaxing or spiritual bath with Epsom salt, lavender, sea salt, and baking soda to clean your aura. This also helps with any brain fog, or lack of clarity, remember our hair is like an antenna, it absorbs the energy from around us.
Home: A household clearing by reading Psalms and Proverbs throughout the home, and moping your entrance of the home, baseboards, and bathrooms, with a floor wash. Remove old books, clothes, household items, and donate to charity. Go old school with a cinnamon broom, and sweep the past away.
Practice Aromatherapy:
Diffuse cinnamon, lavender, peppermint, thieves, franksense, white angelica, bergamot, lemon, and citrus essential oils in the home. Take the time to burn away negative self-talk, doubt, fear of failure, and being stuck because of unfinished business and incomplete experiences, classes, and projects.
Journal Releasing Activity: Take the time to complete this brief releasing activity:
What are 3 things you want to Leave in 2024? Please write them down and complete an end-of-year burning, cleansing, or releasing ceremony. Make sure to do at least a 1-day detox, cleanse, or journaling session to let go and let GOD!
Surrender it all!
The start of a new year is like opening a blank book with 365 pages waiting to be filled with your narrative. It's the perfect time to prioritize self-care and set a foundation for holistic wellness. Whether you want to improve your physical health, cultivate mental peace, or nurture your spirit, the choices you make now can set the tone for a fulfilling year. Here are nine things you can do to prepare for 2025 and ensure it's a year dedicated to nurturing your most important asset—yourself.
9 Main Steps to Prepare for 2025 with Self-Care and Wellness!
1. Take Time to Reflect and Release!
Begin by reflecting on the past year. Identify habits that no longer serve you and consciously decide to release them. Journaling can be a powerful tool here, helping you to acknowledge what you’re leaving behind and paving the way for new habits.
2. Continue to Establish a Morning Routine & Spiritual Life Routine
A healthy morning routine sets the tone for the entire day. Consider incorporating activities such as meditation, a gratitude journal, or gentle exercises like yoga to energize your body and mind for the day ahead. Plan your spiritual upliftment goals and activities. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!
3. Always Set Intention-Focused Goals:
Begin by reflecting on the past year. What did you learn about yourself? What areas of your life brought the most joy or challenge? Use these reflections to set intentions rather than rigid resolutions. Intentions help you cultivate a mindset of growth, allowing your self-care practices to evolve naturally throughout the year. So, Instead of making traditional resolutions, try setting intentions. What do you truly wish to feel or experience in 2025? Focus on feelings and experiences rather than specific outcomes, and let these intentions guide your actions.
4. Create a Self-Care Sanctuary: Do not let anything or anyone disrupt or disturb your peace, health, or wealth. Designate a space in your home as your self-care sanctuary. Fill it with things that bring you peace and relaxation, such as calming scents, soft textures, and your favorite books or music. This space will serve as your retreat for daily self-care practices.
5. Continue to Connect and Grow:
Engage with like-minded people and communities that support your wellness journey. Whether it’s joining an online group, attending workshops, or connecting with a coach like Jennifer, surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals will foster growth, upliftment, and accountability.
6. Stick to Your Plan you Created in 2024, Or Create a New Self-Care Plan: For those that have a Self Care plan take this time to re-evaluate your plan, and see what worked and what did not. For those that are new to the Self Care Blog, take the time to set Self Care Goals. Just as you would plan for a professional goal, create a self-care plan. Identify activities that replenish your energy and build them into your schedule. Whether it's daily meditation, weekly yoga sessions, or monthly retreats, having a plan ensures that your well-being remains a priority as the year progresses.
7. Cultivate Gratitude: Gratitude transforms the way you see the world and interact with it. Start a gratitude journal, jotting down things you're thankful for each day. This practice not only boosts happiness but also reinforces a positive outlook as you navigate the year.
8: Connect with the Right Community: Whether it's through a local fitness class, an online forum, a wellness coaching program with Coach Jennifer, or other community support groups. Find your tribe, your niche, and your favs things groups, this type of support can be invaluable. Not being in the right community can cause more harm than good. Please note sometimes you may need to take a break from work and personal groups. This is not a bad thing, this is growth. If they are sincere groups of people they will still be there when you need them.
9. Embrace and Practice Mindfulness Practices Consistently:
Mindfulness helps you stay present and engaged at the moment, reducing stress and improving overall health. Integrate mindfulness into your daily routine through practices like meditation, mindful eating, or simply taking a few deep breaths during a busy day. This will foster mental clarity and emotional resilience.
What are your Mission, Values, and Goals for 2025? We all must take the time to Define our Mission, Values, and Goals for our personal or professional Health & Wellness in 2025!
Our Mission at Lotus Wellness Institute:
1. To empower individuals to embrace holistic self-care and cultivate abundant self-love in every aspect of their lives.
2. To inspire a collective movement towards wellness, where every participant feels valued, heard, and supported in their unique journey.
3. To create accessible pathways for personal growth and spiritual upliftment, enabling a fulfilling life rich with possibilities.
What is Your Mission for 2025? Define your purpose and mission for 2025. This is very important to set the tone for the start of 2025. With all the doom and gloom, it is important to set yourself up for success and be ready for any major challenges that may come your way.
What is your Mission? Write at least 3 Mission statement for 2025
After you have defined your mission think about your Values. What are your current Values? What do you believe and Why? Do your Values align with your beliefs, morals, spiritual or religious, behaviors, and actions, or the company you keep? If not, how can you elevate your Values, to align with your diet, lifestyle, and spiritual and wellness goals?
Are your Goals in alignment with GOD's Will for your life at this time? This is the time to align with the Divine and remember our bodies are temples and should be treated as such.
What We Value Most at Lotus Wellness Coaching:
Values in wellness and spiritual coaching refer- to the core principles and beliefs that guide individuals in making decisions and leading a fulfilling life. These values are deeply personal and can include qualities such as integrity, compassion, growth, balance, and connection. They play a crucial role in helping clients understand what truly matters to them, align their actions with their beliefs, and find greater purpose and satisfaction in life.
Values are important to your long-term health, wellness, and spiritual growth. In wellness and spiritual coaching, coaches assist clients in identifying and clarifying their values, integrating them into daily life, and using them as a foundation for personal growth and transformation. This alignment ultimately leads to a more harmonious and purpose-driven life.
1. Compassion: We honor and support our journey, recognizing the importance of empathy and kindness towards ourselves and others. We have helped thousands of clients and students over the years and look forward to continuing our services.
2. Real Connection: Building genuine (real) relationships based on trust, honesty, respect, and shared experiences is at the core of our community. We must learn how to set healthy boundaries and nurture meaningful connections. We also need to know when to let go of not-so-positive people to grow and network. ( Positive Vibes Only is the theme for 2025)
3. Personal & Professional Growth: We commit to continuous learning and development, embracing challenges as opportunities for transformation.
4. Spiritual Upliftment & Wellness: We are committed to elevating spiritually in all aspects of life. Level up!
5. Guidance and Clarity: Values act as a compass, providing direction in life. They help individuals make choices that are in alignment with their genuine desires and aspirations.
6 . Decision-Making: With a clear understanding of one's values, clients can make decisions more easily and confidently, especially in challenging situations that require prioritization of what's most important. We will continue to provide you with both resources needed to make the right health, and wellness decision to restore, elevate, and rejuvenate all aspects of your life.
7. Authenticity: Living by one's values fosters authenticity. It encourages individuals to be true to themselves, leading to greater self-awareness and self-acceptance.
These values are important because they provide a solid foundation for decision-making and life choices. They guide clients toward a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life, helping them navigate challenges with resilience and grace, ultimately leading to a richer, more balanced existence. At the end of the Day, you can only teach what you know or resonate with your spirit. So, How are you vibing?
What are your Personal or Professional Values for 2025 - Remember your Values, and help influence your growth, healing, and overall well-being.
Write at least 3-5 Values for yourself for 2025!
Our 2025 Goals at Lotus Wellness:
1. Help wellness coaching participants establish at least three sustainable self-care habits that enhance well-being by December 2025.
2. Expand access to wellness resources, reaching 5,000 individuals worldwide with our self-care programs by the end of the year.
3. Foster a supportive community environment where at least 80% of participants report improved health, self-love, spiritual growth and upliftment, and personal growth and life satisfaction.
I invite everyone to take a self-assessment of 2024 and clear out the old so you can make room for the new energy going forth. Let go of clutter, forgive someone, let go of old situations that have not served your higher good, old poor eating patterns and foods, and old ways of doing things. Lose those 20 pounds, eliminate fibroids, improve your eating habits, eat a higher quality of food write that book, start that business, get that new job or promotion, complete that degree, certification, class, or program. We have to practice greatness and move with deeper awareness in all we do.
So, Be open to change and transformation. The world is changing quickly and we must be ready to change, upgrade, and transform!
Practicing the "Sacred Art of Self Care is necessary for personal and professional growth.
Year End Conclusion:
As we step into this new year, it’s a time brimming with potential and opportunities to enhance your well-being. Life and wellness are not just about reaching goals but embracing a journey of continuous self-improvement. With Coach Jennifer by your side, your path to self-care and holistic wellness is more achievable than ever. Let's explore what this year holds and how you can make the most of it with five essential self-care practices.
The year 2025 will be a transformative journey into 2025, remember that you are not alone. With dedication and the right resources, this can be the year of abundant wellness and profoundly improved health, self-love, and long-term well-being.
As we step into this new year, it’s a time brimming with potential and opportunities to enhance your well-being. Life and wellness are not just about reaching goals but embracing a journey of continuous self-improvement. With Coach Jennifer by your side, your path to self-care and holistic wellness is more achievable than ever. Let's explore what this year holds and how you can make the most of
Remember, Coach Jennifer is here to guide and support you every step of the way. Embrace these growth opportunities, and prepare to thrive in this new year full of potential. Here’s to a healthier, happier you—see you in 2025!
I want to personally thank all my clients and students this year for the opportunity to be of service in the field of wellness coaching self-care, holistic health, and healing.
For additional blogs go to https://lotuswellnessinstitute.com/blog
Reach out to Wellness Coach Jennifer @lotuswellnessinstitute1@gmail.com / or go to the website for more info.
Wellness 2025!
Wellness Coach Jennifer