"THe Sacred Art of Gratitude, Clearing & Releasing 1 Day Challenge

Model Gratitude, Product ID 101
Join Us for another Transformative Experience! 
Reserve your Spot  Today!
Event: Releasing , Clearing and Gratitude 1 Day Challenge 
When: Date: Thursday, December 19th, 2024
Time:8:00-10:00 PM Eastern Time / Online
Investment: $44.00 Early Bird  $80.00 ( After December 15) 
Sacred Preparation for Winter Season
Winter Organ Focus:**
Kidneys:The season of winter is associated with the kidneys in traditional Chinese medicine. Focus on nourishing this organ to maintain energy and vitality. 
Colors of Winter and Their Emotional Influence:
Winter Colors: Deep Blue, Silver, Off White, and Black
- These colors symbolize introspection, calmness, and depth. Connecting with these hues can help you embrace inner reflection and emotional balance during the winter months.  As you journey through this sacred challenge, be thankful, grateful, and blessed to exist on this planet at this time. Embracing the winter season allows you to reconnect with the cycles of nature, cherish moments of introspection, and welcome transformation with an open heart.  An end-of-the-year clearing and releasing event helps individuals let go of the negativity and low vibrations of the past year, such as 2024, and prepares them to usher in an empowering and rejuvenating winter season. The focus is on healing, growing, recharging, and practicing self-love and self-care to elevate spiritually, emotionally, and financially.

Who Should Attend?
Those feeling overwhelmed by the year-end rush
Those ready to let go and Let GOD 
Individuals needing to release old behavior patterns, bad habit
Anyone wanted a fresh start for 2025 ( The next decade) 
Individuals seeking spiritual alignment, balance, and upliftment
Anyone wanting to end the year with peace and positivity

What is Gratitude? Gratitude is the heartfelt practice of recognizing and appreciating the abundant blessings in our lives, both big and small. It's an acknowledgment of the goodness in the world, which ultimately connects  and aligns us to something larger than ourselves, GOD , the Divine Creator .

Benefits of Practicing Gratitude:
  • Enhanced Spiritual Growth:Gratitude opens your heart to receive and give love, connecting you more deeply with the Divine Creator.
  • Improved Mental Health: Regular practice leads to reduced feelings of envy and resentment, creating more room for joy and happiness.
  • Strengthened Relationships: Expressing gratitude to others strengthens bonds and fosters more meaningful connections.
  • Enhanced Self-Care: Cultivate a deeper connection with yourself by recognizing and nurturing your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. As you integrate this practice, experience a profound sense of inner peace and self-love.
  • Divine Protection and Alignment:Tap into the divine energies that guide and protect you. Align with sacredness and Godly influences, inviting spiritual guidance to manifest your life's goals and nurture meaningful connections. 
  • Increased Blessings and Manifestation:Open your heart to receive blessings and manifest your deepest desires. Through gratitude and release, elevate your consciousness and attract abundant opportunities that resonate with your true purpose.
Understanding a Clearing and Releasing Ceremony: A clearing and releasing ceremony is a spiritual and intentional practice aimed at letting go of old energies, beliefs, emotions, or habits that no longer serve you. This kind of event is particularly popular at the end of the year as it offers a chance to reflect on the past year and prepare for a fresh start. The benefits include emotional healing, stress reduction, better spiritual alignment, and increased focus on goals. It enables participants to cleanse their emotional and mental slate, making room for new opportunities and growth.

Come Embrace the Sacred Art of Gratitude with Wellness Coach Jennifer!
Have you ever paused to truly appreciate the abundance surrounding you? Gratitude is not just a temporary feeling; it’s a profound connection to our Divine Creator. When practiced intentionally, gratitude opens the door to manifesting your goals, living with purpose, and acknowledging the blessings already given to you at birth.  

Join Coach Jennifer's Sacred Art of Gratitude 1-Day Intensive Challenge: As we release and let go and welcome the winter season and set powerful intentions for 2025. Embrace our mission and sacred values to connect and align with the Divine Creator, empowering you to live your best purposeful life.

At Lotus Wellness Instutite  our mission is to guide individuals towards a harmonious and elevated life through the sacred art of gratitude, release, and clearing. 

Our 1-Day Challenge is designed to empower you to manifest your goals with divine alignment and spiritual growth. By embracing self-care, seeking divine protection, and opening yourself to blessings, you embark on a transformative journey towards self-improvement and upliftment. Together, let us release the negativity of 2024 and prepare for a season of gratitude, growth, and spiritual abundance. By engaging in these activities and utilizing these prayers, participants can effectively clear and release the past year's challenges and set a strong foundation for the new year. It’s about embracing transformation, staying open to opportunities, and continuing on the path of self-discovery and manifestation.

We look forward to embarking on this transformative journey with you. For more information and to sign up, please feel free to reach out. Let's step into a world of gratitude together!

If you have any questions or need further assistance, don't hesitate to contact us. We're here to support your path toward a more grateful and empowered life.